I don’t believe for one minute that 16.1 million Brits voted Remain because they prefer Britain to be ruled by the Germans and because they hate Independence. They believed the lies and threats of Project Fear.
Imagine how old people, barely surviving on their inadequate pensions, felt when told by the Chancellor that their pensions might have to be reduced if they voted Leave, and that it could even lead to war.
All of the Project Fear threats were lies. So Remainers now know they were conned and manipulated.
Almost all Brits who voted Remain did so without knowing the full facts. They can read them now on this website, and are in for some shocks and surprises.
The lies caused huge divisions in our society, between friends and even family members, and they still exist, because no-one has given them the full facts.
Those divisions must be healed if we are ever to be one nation again, and if and we are able to gain full Independence, with no strings attached – unlike at present.
The facts are given in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Some people were right, and some were wrong, but we were all conned by the Political Class and the rest of the Establishment.
They are our our biggest enemy, pulling our strings and laughing while we run around in circles.
Now Remainers who were deceived can have their revenge by joining us.