The Nurses Strike story

Give the Nurses a 10% Pay Rise Now

Experts say the next pandemic will hit us within 5 years, and that there are 1.7 million more viruses able to jump from wild creatures to humans.

Nurses are our “frontline of defence”, but they have a huge 48,000 shortfall. And that’s just in England.

Look at this picture of student nurseTara’s tearful face and you’ll feel the pain and lack of appreciation nurses experienced during Covid.
National press stories said they went to work in tears most mornings, fearful of the hell they would have to go through. And they would go home in tears because of the high death rate, mainly of patients they had become attached to.
Nurses I spoke to said they feared for their lives, because of the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE). Nurses and doctors were dying around them.
The bin-liners they tried were not working. The masks made it difficult to breathe, but they were likely to die without them.
Even when proper PPE began to arrive, after a long delay, no-one knew how well it would work. Special masks had to be worn in Intensive Care Units (ICU’s) and they showed me the painful red patches the masks left on their faces.
Their mothers were having sleepless nights, worrying about their daughters’ survival chances. And the nurses feared taking the virus home and killing family members.
Was it any wonder they didn’t feel appreciated? The government was offering them a 1% pay rise at the time. Teachers came along and got a substantial pay rise – over three times what the nurses were offered.
A middle-aged nurse told me: “The teachers got the money. We risk our lives, and all we got was clapping. It’s not fair.
‘I love this job, but I don’t want to do it anymore,” she said tearfully.

The Tory government’s solution: offer nurses a 4% pay rise, during their current pay strike.
There is not the remotest chance in hell that a 4% pay rise will stop experienced nurses leaving the profession in droves, or bring a stampede of new recruits.

Railway workers – some of whom are on over £100.000 a year – have been offered 9%. Who are most deserving, the railway workers (who provide transport for some of us); or the nurses, who keep all of us alive in very dangerous times?

Frank McGinn, ex-senior surgeon at Guy’s Hospital, said:: ‘I could not believe it when I heard Steve Barclay, the Health Secretary, claim that any pay rises for the nurses would “take money away” from frontline NHS services.” Nurses are the frontline: Mr Barclay should have been talking about the “second line”: managers, diversity consultants and others
“They are overpaid and unnecessary. Nobody would notice if they went on strike.’Those on the frontline deserve better pay and more respect, but it is those in charge of them who get all the money.”

Mr McGinn said one reason we were “40,000 “ nurses short was that ‘trainee nurses have to go to university and complete a degree, coming out with large debts and too little practical experience.”
He said NHS managers could recruit thousands of new student nurses if the old training system was revived: simply signing up suitable youngsters (and some not so young) who have what I consider the most important qualities for a nurse – compassion, dedication and enthusiasm, and then training and paying them on the job.

Mr McGinn thought the nurse’s shortfall was 40,000. It was when I started researching the exodus of nurses giving up their profession. The next time it was 47,000 and yesterday it was 48,000.

The government should be doing everything humanly possible to bring the nurses up to full strength but the shortfall is increasing rapidly, as new pandemics approach. The politicians obviously just don’t care. They are focused on things more important to them. Haggling over their pay rise, in the circumstances, is stupid and irresponsible.

So the people have been forced to take action, and have decided to insist we give the nurses an immediate 10% pay rise. It will be backdated to when they end their self-destructive strike, which is bound to lead to loss of human life. Plus we want the nurses to have a 5% rise next Christmas.

There is no such thing as government money. It’s the people’s money. We earn every penny of it, and the government just allocate it as they think fit. But we reserve the democratic right to allocate some of it, at times of national crisis, when the politicians fail to act. The Oxford Dictionary definition of democracy = ‘government by the people”.

Tory MP Craig Mackinlay said he was ‘extremely concerned” and ‘hugely disappointed” by the decision to hold a joint strike between the nurses and ambulance workers, He said “There are obvious risks to patients and it will undoubtedly lead to unexpected and unnecessary deaths.”

We ask the nurses to accept the 10% offer, plus 5% next Christmas (total 15% – almost what they asked for) and end their strike now.

Q: “What happens if the government just ignores you?”
A: “We’ll just ignore them. On Election Day. All 17.4 million of us.”


The Tory Party’s respected Bow Group says our ex-PM’s “Brexit agreement is a FRAUD!’’

If you want conclusive proof that Boris has not ‘done’ Brexit, just listen to what the Bow Group – his Conservative party’s oldest think tank – has to say about his deal.

They say it’s a ‘fraud’ And other political pundits say Brexit has ‘a long way to go.’

The Bow Group’s courageous chairman Ben Harris-Quinney has issued a statement saying : ’Boris’s Brexit deal is a bit of a FRAUD.

‘On immigration, on the ability to make our own trade deals, and on sovereignty, Brexiteers are not getting what we wanted, however much we want to believe we are.’

Here’s 10 reasons why…

  • ‘Inadequate time has been given for Parliament and citizens to analyse and scrutinise this bill…. Never in British history has such a huge piece of legislation been forced through Parliament and without recourse to any revision.
    ‘It is therefore unparliamentary and cannot in any case bind Parliament beyond this session. ‘Without revision it cannot be deemed anything but a European directive,’
  • ‘The UK will add around 4 million new citizens as British citizenship is granted to EU nationals…. ‘A major motivation for the Brexit vote was a desire in the public to see immigration fall dramatically.
    ‘There is nothing in this trade deal, nor in any currently proposed government policy, that would facilitate any significant fall in immigration, and the numbers of new British citizens is likely to rise dramatically’.
  • Continuation of Regulatory Alignment.
    ‘Level playing field provisions on trade cut across large areas of domestic policy and in effect retain the laws of the EU Single Market on the United Kingdom; without the ability to take back control on regulation deals, in effect pushing the EU in front of the UK in any future USA trade deals.’
  • ’Lack of control on taxation and subsidy.’
    ‘The proposed deal restricts the UK government’s ability to set levels of taxation that fall outside the EU’s threshold in order to prevent the UK undercutting the EU.’
    ’It places similar restrictions on the ability of the UK government to subsidise UK businesses. ‘Both of these restrictions make it difficult for the UK to gain a competitive advantage over the EU, to improve our domestic circumstances from the status quo inside the EU.’
    ‘This is restrictive both in terms of domestic policy and our ability to get new trade deals.’
  • ‘A poor deal for fisheries….. We are deprived of fishing stocks in perpetuity after 2026….’
  • ‘A restrictive and poor deal for services.’
  • ‘A divide between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.’
  • ‘The treaty binds us to the European Arrest Warrant principle of extradition of British subjects without prima facie evidence, so it is not true that we are not under the ECJ (European Court of Justice) jurisdiction, when member states can issue infraction proceedings against us.’
  • ‘A continuation of foreign court jurisdiction over the UK. The treaty binds us to the ECHR (European Court of `Human Rights) and to UN bodies. It specifically allows the EU to terminate the entire deal within 15 days if it believes the UK has repudiated the ECHR.’
  • ‘Continued binding the UK to the EU on defence.’
    The UK will continue to fund the European Defence Agency via Horizon 2020 and of course by our own huge contribution to NATO.
    ‘The UK’s insistence on maintaining NATO funding and forward provision without condition has proven unwise, and while we have acquired many new neighbours with this treaty, we have gained no friends.’ ‘The Uk should insist such forces can be summarily withdrawn from the EU within a period of 15 days in keeping with the termination clause of the treaty.’

[Bow Group patrons include Sir John Redwood. MP, Lord Tebbit, and Lord Lamont.]

EU will hold a Sword of Damocles over Britain

Nigel Farage also says the EU will hold a Sword of Damocles over Britain, with the threat of intermediate tariffs if they judge that Britain is being too competitive

The solution to all this aggro: a complete, clean break with the EU, aka the German Empire. Then trade on WTO (World Trade Organisation) rules, like so many other countries.

The trouble is, on one side we have Big Business which finances the Conservative Party – including Boris – and controls the world. They are desperate for Britain to return as a full member of the EU/German Empire.
On the other side of us we have our politicians. Most are also desperate to take us back into the EU.
We, the people, are the meat in the sandwich. We have voted in the Referendum for full independence from the EU, but Big Business, the political class and the EU, oppose freedom. And they have all the power.

The Battle for Brexit is very far from finished

Another of Boris’s Daily Telegraph colleagues, Sherelle Jacobs, has written in the paper: “The Battle for Brexit is very far from finished.”

She says: ”In exchange for EU market access, we also suffer the ignominy of still not owning in full the fish in our own waters.”

“So it would be a mistake for Brexiteers to view this imperfect deal as the end off the war.”

“Remainers smell a fresh chance. Northern Ireland is their trump card; it is likely to diverge from the rest of the UK over time.

“Through the vehicle of a Labour government, Remainers now have the option of cynically arguing that we should renegotiate our relationship again with Brussels to seek a softer settlement, in order to ‘save the Union.’ ”

“Until the EU finally crumbles into a bygone projet, the fight for Brexit will rage on.”

I mention the Daily Telegraph a lot. That’s because I’ve found its ‘Brexit’ coverage the most honest and revealing. The Express is also good. Both papers are non-Establishment.

Another highly respected Telegraph columnist, Ambrose Evans -Pritchard, says “ The intricate subclauses of the UK-EU Trade and Co-operation Agreement give Brussels countless ways to try to keep Britain within its legal and regulatory orbit, and it will undoubtedly try to use them .

“The pressure never stops…. There is certainly going to be trouble……”

He predicts that when Britain tries to make changes, “ Brussels will scream divergence, or make accusations of ‘unfair competition’”.

“It is a clash of two incompatible philosophies on what constitutes free trade and what drives the process of economic development and wealth creation. But this battle must be had.”

He quotes Professor Jonathan Portes, from Kings College, London, as saying :’We’ll always have the Sword of Damocles hanging over us. There will always be a constant threat.’

Evans-Pritchard says the EU is in “permanent crisis”, and “condemned to a monetary union that can never be made to work….”

He said Britain must never again find itself in a position where the EU controls so many ‘chokeholds’. We needed to halt our reliance on Europe on areas like food and energy.

For example, he said, “Brussels threatened to cut off Britain’s electricity intercorrectors at the height of winter if it did not come to heel”.

Brexit is not over

Boris Johnson used to write a regular column in the Daily Telegraph, and his own paper has quoted David Davis, the Tory government”s former Brexit secretary, as saying: “Brexit is not over”.

Mr Davis led negotiations on the divorce deal. Like many other MP’s, he complained about the complex treaty having to be read thoroughly and ‘checked for traps’, in one day – all one thousand two hundred and forty six pages!

It was an an impossible task.

He said the EU would “use the treaty to its own advantage”, and the government had to be ready for that.

“It’s not perfect – on Northern Ireland, fishing and Gibraltar we have issues to deal with, so it’s not over: all will lead to uncomfortable decisions in the near future.”

He said that in five years, when the transition period on fisheries expires, the EU could try to impose tariffs if it was not happy with the deal offered on fishing, at that point.

At the same time, Boris said Brexit was “not an end, but a beginning.”

He had been told that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer “intends to ask the British people for a mandate to rewrite the deal in 2024. That’s what he wants to do.’

Boris added: “I think frankly we got Brexit done.”

Hands off our Gas Central Heating

Boris Johnson is going to ban gas boilers soon, because he says they cause global warming, and he wants them replaced by millions of heat pumps.But our latest campaign is to keep gas central heating, because heat pumps – which are supposed to extract heat from the air or ground – have been described as a ‘con’ and ‘hopeless’, and just seem designed to make Establishment figures very rich.

Boris Johnson and his wife, Carrie (Photo: Daily Mirror).

They were supposed to cost £10,000, but some cost a lot more.  The total cost could be about £20,000, because much bigger radiators are needed, floors – including concrete – need to be broken up for under-floor heating pipework, and very expensive insulation is needed.  A £5,000 government grant has been described as a ‘joke’.

The figure of £30,000 has even been mentioned.  The Establishment has certainly got a huge pay-day coming.

If every home had a heat pump averaging £10,000, the bill would come to a staggering £280 billion.  That’s two-and-a-half times more than the HS2 high-speed rail project.

John Humphrys, former compere of TV’s Mastermind, has written a national press article headed ‘My heat pump has left me in the cold’. He says: ’’The sad reality is that I’ve spent a small fortune and have not ended up with a cosy house. To get warm I have to fire up the log-burning stove’.

Many others feel they’ve been conned into getting a ‘hopeless’ heat pump, to ‘save the planet’.

Under the heading ‘Government energy policy owes more to virtue-signalling than sense’ , Peter Crawford writes in the Daily Telegraph that 20% of Britain’s carbon dioxide is accounted for by the heating of buildings.

‘Since our share of global emissions is 1 per cent, eliminating gas boilers would save only 0.2% globally, which would make no difference to the climate.

“The Government’s position on climate change is ill thought through and owes more to virtue-signalling than to considering the science, engineering and especially the costs involved.

‘Rushing to ‘net zero” by 2050 is not justified by Britain’s low carbon dioxide output’.

He says the banning of gas boilers and internal combustion-engined vehicles will eventually require a tripling of grid generating capacity.

“The Government has been deliberately vague about the costs involved, but it will be trillions, not billions of pounds, and the costs will inevitably bear most heavily on the poorest in society”.

‘We should have an interim policy of ‘minimal carbon’,  to allow time to develop a sensible energy policy, not an arbitrary target  that owes more  to the Boris Johnson’s desire to virtue-signal on the  world stage’.

In a letter to the Daily Telegraph, Roger J Arthur reveals that the National Grid estimates it will cost £3 trillion to decarbonise, which equates for about £100,000 per family in Britain.

‘The Government must face reality and put back the date for phasing out diesel and petrol vehicles to allow time for the innovation needed to provide power when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing’. National grid confirmed his figures.


Climate expert Dr Bjorn Lomborg has slammed the 120 world leaders and 30,000 delegates at the Cop26 climate change conference in Glasgow ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’ – which was crazy.

Dr Bjorn Lomborg

He is chairman of the Copenhagen Consensus think-tank, and Visiting Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and he said ‘Our work found a six-fold increase in “green” research and development (R and D) would be the most effective way to tackle climate change….

‘We need to invest in improving green technologies instead of trying to force ineffective renewable energy, such as electric cars or heat pumps, on people….

‘We are not achieving anything…’

A UN review had revealed ‘the past decade of climate policies was a “lost” decade that had …. achieved nothing… carbon dioxide emissions have mostly kept increasing.  This year is likely to set a new record’.

The International Energy Agency estimated that if the world achieved all its ambitious stated electric vehicle targets, then the UN Climate Panel said ‘this would reduce global temperatures by about one ten-thousandth of a degree celsius (that’s 0.0001C) by the end of the century.

‘Because tackling climate change with current technology is almost impossible, climate policy mostly tinkers at the margins, focusing more on bombastic promises and feel-good rhetoric and less on actions that cut emissions.

‘Politicians have been doing this for decades – the same thing over and over again without succeeding – and making even bigger promises.’

Today’s technologies should be improved, ‘rather than erecting inefficient turbines and solar panels…‘  This was the path that would solve climate change.

It would not be solved ‘with more empty promises and implausibly extravagant policies.’

Dr Lomborg made his views known in a Daily Mail feature, and the paper said they were something ‘ that every Cop26 delegate must read.’

Building expert Roger Bisby says of heat pumps: “They’re one of the biggest cons I have seen in the building trade.” He’s been in business for nearly 30 years, and has appeared as an expert on the BBC’s Rogue Traders, and House of Horrors on ITV.  Now he runs a building advice website, and he says, “I have been deluged with unhappy customers who were persuaded to instal heat pumps… but who bitterly regretted their decision.”

He said the Government’s offer of £5,000 grants was ‘doomed to fail…. If they worked well, they would not need a government grant to bribe householders to fit them,’

It was also a shock to discover that heat pumps used a lot of electricity: ‘UK families who fit them often find their electric bills double or treble: the noisy heat pumps drive us to distraction; their house is cold; their shower lukewarm…’

He said the heat pump scheme ‘is ill-conceived, too complicated to implement  and simply burns it’s way through more of your money.’

Roger gave his views to the Daily Mail, which campaigns for the elderly.

Mike Foster, of trade body Energy and Utilities Alliance, said the limited funding for the scheme “suggests the Chancellor is putting brakes on the Prime Minister’s ‘flight of green fantasy.’

Veteran journalist, Stephen Glover, called the the Boris scheme “an uncosted, madcap eco-revolution”.

He said “The rapid transformation of Boris from a Tory sceptic with his feet firmly on the ground to a climate change fanatic is one of the most amazing political phenomena of modern times.”

“The usual reason given for Mr Johnson’s sudden conversion to being the Che Guevara of climate change and evangelist of higher taxes is the influence of his wife, Carrie, who is something of an eco-zealot.  No doubt this is part of the explanation.”

Well-known Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn called the Boris scheme an ‘insane Net Zero vanity project… he proposes to make us colder and poorer, change our diets and cut back on travel, especially foreign holidays.’

He said the ruling party was “in utter disarray, shorn of any moral compass.”

Friends say Boris is “totally besotted” with his much younger wife, Carrie, and his main aim in life is to try to please her. They say it was difficult. But now they’re both eco-fanatics, everything’s fine.

But what happens to senior citizens when Boris’s gas boiler ban comes into effect? Few could afford hopeless heat pumps costing £10,000-to £20,000, or more.

Every winter, there are hypothermia deaths among the hard-up elderly, having to choose between heating or eating.  If their gas central heating is banned, the hypothermia death rate  would obviously go up.  Boris and Carrie could end up the most hated couple in Britain.

No- one is saying they’re heartless.  It’s what comes of having old-Etonian millionaires like David Cameron and Boris as prime minister. They live on a different plane, and simply don’t understand the problems of the “little people”.

Summary:  At .2%, Britain’s heated building emissions would make ‘no difference’ to global warming. So forget the heat pump scam.
The future is hydrogen – after a bit more R & D (Research and Development).

“Which” magazine says hydrogen should be able to take the place of natural gas, using existing gas pipes. New gas boilers replacing old ones will be ‘hydrogen-ready,’ and it will take a gas-safe installer less than an hour for conversion.

N.B. Everyone seems to want an electric car now. But top Climate expert Dr Bjorn Lomborg says they’re “ineffective”. The problem is, electricity for recharging the batteries comes from diesel generators.

Could they, like heat pumps, be replaced after a few years by hydrogen cars?  Is another huge pay-day for the Establishment/Big Business being planned?  Be warned.

This website could save you a fortune.

Register as a supporter/member now!

Help to reduce the outrageous 7.2 million world record hospital waiting list.

If the people who voted Leave in the referendum register with this website – their website – nothing can stop us achieving all of our aims.

It is vital that you register without delay. As soon as we have the right number, we will start to implement our policies. Register by clicking on “Become a member” at the very top of page 1.

We have lots more in the pipeline. You’ve told us want you want, in meetings all over the country.

You will have read, at the beginning of this website, about free further education for youngsters, much bigger pensions for senior citizens, and saving and reforming the NHS.

Our other main aims:

Full independence from the EU, with no strings attached.
Restore democracy/people power
Alleviate suffering :prevent the 7.2  million hospital waiting list increasing to
12 million, as predicted, and instead focus on reducing it to zero, as some other developed countries.

The astronomical waiting list is the result of government incompetence and criminal negligence. Now the government hopes to deal with the waiting list within three years. But that is too long: the pain and suffering and deaths are unthinkable.


The white elephant HS2 high-speed rail project must be cancelled immediately, and the £108 billion cost diverted to the NHS, also covering the cost of attracting doctors world-wide to help deal with Britain’s waiting-list crisis. This is more important than saving 20 minutes or so rail travel time between London and Birmingham with HS2.

Thousands of retired British doctors have also offered to help, but there are reports that they have been ignored. We’re looking into that. Net Zero carbon seems to be more important for the government. We haven’t got enough hospital space at present. But our amazing Army have proved they can build a Nightingale hospital in a week.

There’s no need for all this human suffering and aggro. The politicians haven’t got the answers. But the people have.

We have self-financed up till now because in these hard times, we were determined not to mention subscriptions until we had produced solutions. And we have done that very fast:

  1. Ourheat pump campaign is an incredible achievement.
    There would have been millions of bankruptcies if every home was forced to have a hopeless heat pump costing £10,000-plus, and then another type of heating, in order to keep warm.
    The £5,000 government grant would just cover the cost of very extensive necessary insulation.
  2. A total solution to the social care problem which has beaten successive governments for countless years,
  3. Providing a means of solving the NHS’s problems – of not enough hospitals, Drs, nurses, or equipment – by cancelling HS2 and diverting the £108-plus cost to the NHS.

So we feel justified in asking for a members’/supporters’ registration fee, of just £3 – the price of a good cup of coffee – to help with our running costs. It also works out at less than 1p a day, spread over a year. So it shouldn’t break anyone’s bank.

Meanwhile we hope our policies will impress and attract a patriotic financial backer. And there are so many more policies on our list.

Another (unusual) campaign is already under way – Save the Songbird. Migrating birds are being ambushed and massacred in places like Malta – en route to Britain, and again back to Africa – and cooked and eaten.

For many, the best way to recover from the stresses of life is to sit in the garden in the sunshine and listen to the birdsong.

But songbirds like thrushes are getting rare. I only heard wood pigeons in my garden last summer. To many predators – including man.

We’re not just about politics. We’re about the quality of life.

We’ve applied to the Charity Commission, and will soon be registered with them.


The extent to which the British people are being conned, manipulated, exploited and neglected, is mind-boggling. I never realised how low this country had sunk.

We really do need to take note of our motto:


Social Care

Scrap Foreign Aid for Corrupt Dictators

Massive human suffering has been caused by successive governments betraying the people on social care, over the years.

‘Boring’, you might be thinking. But it’ll affect you one day, unless you’re rich. And it could hit one of your grandparents tomorrow.

Every government has made fervent promises, like Boris, on the steps of Number 10. But then they kick the problem into the long grass, leaving it to the next government to sort out.

Scrap Today (29th October 2021) the Daily Mail has a story, part of their END DEMENTIA CARE COST BETRAYAL campaign, headed: “Care levy ‘won’t be enough to help dementia families. Patients will still have to sell their homes,’ warn MPs”.

Boris Johnson promised some time ago to solve the social care crisis once and for all, and  he unveiled plans to reform social care through a 1.25% increase in National Insurance, which will raise an extra £12 billion a year.

‘But the cross-party MP’s  warned that just £2 billion of this will go towards social care…’ The rest would go to the NHS (£10 billion a year was needed for social care).

The Commons Health Committee said immediate help was needed for pensioners ‘before October 2023, when the new £86,000 cap on lifetime care costs is due to come into place.

“They criticised the two-year delay before this cap is introduced, warning that many families will face “catastrophic social care costs over the next two years”.

They said the system was ‘unfair, confusing, demeaning and frightening. … a huge financial and psychological burden’.


Scrap the present foreign aid set-up, which the Mail’s former legendary editor Paul Dacre used to call ‘madness’, because it gives billions mainly to corrupt foreign dictators for new planes and palaces.

This will free up over £14 billion a year. Social and dementia care needs £10 billion a year, so over £4 billion will be left to deal with foreign crises, including vaccinating children.

  • This will mean there is no need for the government to break its manifesto promise not to increase taxes.
  • There will be no ‘damaging effect on the economy.’
  • And the poorest workers will not be hit hard by tax increases.

Hallelujah! There should be rejoicing throughout the land. But it will devastate ultra-liberal politicians who believe foreign aid gives them a place on the world stage (Wait for John Major to start jumping about in a rage!).

Its been a vanity project all along. Putting personal vanity and the wishes of mainly foreign dictators before social care for British dementia sufferers, and depriving the NHS of billions  which could have avoided a hospital waiting list of over 5-9 million to over 7.1 million, and which could increase to 12 million – is obscene. It should be a criminal offence – something like misuse of public money – and the guilty politicians should be prosecuted.


There is evidence now that the EU was designed to trap, imprison and rule the people of Europe by stealth in a German Empire – the 4th Reich – with no way out.

But you might well find that hard to believe, because the Establishment controls almost all of Britain’s newspapers, and they censored the story.

It’s all very well reading sensational snippets of news on digital media, but there’s a lot of fake news out there. We Brits tend to believe the printed word, in our newspapers which we’ve taken for years, and trust.

Which is why wealthy Establishment figures buy up newspapers, so they can manipulate and control the ‘little people’.
The Nazi connection had to be kept secret, because the Establishment reasoned that “no-one in their right mind would want anything to do with Nazis, after their unspeakable atrocities in WWII.”

Not just the extermination of 6 million Jews, including women and children, in gas chambers; the admitted shooting of three-year-old children for ‘sport’; and the lamp shades made of human skin.

Nowadays we understand mental illness and simply treat it, but reports reveal that the Nazis exterminated the mentally ill as being “impure”.

Then there was the notorious Dr Joseph Mengele, the ‘Angel of Death’, who carried out gruesome medical experiments on prisoners, without anaesthetic. Twins and pregnant women were two of his favourites. Many survivors were dumped in the gas chambers to be killed. There are whole books listing the atrocities. Yet he was not punished after the war: he escaped to South America.

Now the EU is working to complete Hitler’s wishes for them to rule Europe by economic means according to author Dr Vernon Cole.

In fact, reference is made to “Hitler’s greatest legacy – the European Union’”, in Dr Cole’s book ‘The Shocking History of the EU.’

Evidence of the Nazi-EU Connection

Towards the end of WWII, the ingenious Nazis realised they would lose the war, but they didn’t prepare for defeat.

Instead, while the war raged on, they decided incredibly, to start another one, on their own very unusual terms.

They held a series of secret meetings, including at the Maison Rouge [Red House] Hotel in Strasbourg, with Hitler’s main industrial conglomerate I G Farben and other industrialists, to draw up a Master Plan for the survival of German industry and the German Reich.

Google the Red House Report and read about it yourself on the Daily Mail website MailOnline, which has been voted the world’s best digital newspaper :

“Revealed: The report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich… in the EU.”

The report is filed as “US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128”.The article says ‘The document, also known as the Red House Report, is a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge (Red House) Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10th, 1944.

“There, Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany’s post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazi’s return to power and work for a “strong German Empire.” In other words, The Fourth Reich’.

The three page report, compiled by a French spy, was marked ‘Secret’, and was ‘copied to British officials and sent by air pouch to Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State.’
It ‘detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany’s economy by sending money through Switzerland.

There are still Nazis about, and certainly Neo Nazis. This Polish poster warns them they’re banned.
The Poles will never forget what the Germans did to them in WWII, and they queued up to fly RAF fighter planes in the Battle of Britain, helping us to stop the Luftwaffe.
Yet the Poles are still ruled by the German-led EU today.

“They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad. They would wait until conditions were right. And then they could take over Germany again”.

The alleged new cause was ‘European economic and political integration’, and there was a ‘secret three-stage strategy for the 4th Reich…. so that a strong German empire can be created after the defeat.’

Germany and France were the drivers behind the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the precursor of the European Union. The ECSC was the first supranational organisation, established in April 1951 by six European states.

“It created a (small) common market for coal and steel which it regulated. This set a vital precedent for the steady erosion of national sovereignty, a process that continues today.”

“- Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler.’ says historian Dr Michael Pinto-Duchinsky…. ’Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union”.

The name I G Farben has a special significance for Jews: the company held the patent for Zyklon B, the poison gas used to gas so many Jews in the death camps.

Hermann Abs, post-war Germany’s most powerful banker, sat on the supervisory board of I G Farben. ‘It was largely thanks to him that, just as the Red House Report exhorted, a strong German Empire was indeed rebuilt, one which formed the basis of today’s European Union.’

Abs was also a member of the European League for Economic Cooperation, ‘dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of the European Union.’

The six members of the ECSC signed the Treaty of Rome, which set up the European Economic Community. The Treaty ‘ established increasingly powerful supranational institutions including the European Parliament and European Commission’.

But the German economic miracle was ‘built on mass murder. The number of slave and forced labourers who died while employed by German companies in the Nazi era was 2,700,000.’

The Red House report article on the Daily Mail’s website was written by Adam Lebor, a reputable British journalist and author, who has written for the Independent, Times, Financial Times, Newsweek, and the New York Times.


One reason for the rapid success of the Nazis’ fledgling EU was the extensive help Germany got from America and Britain, who needed a bulwark against what they realised was their real enemy, Communist Russia.

Churchill even suggested rearming the Germans, for this purpose, after WW2! But there was no way the British people would have accepted that.

Another reason was that their Masterplan was disguised as a Peace Movement.

But could the world’s worst warmongering nation, responsible for 70 million deaths in two world wars which it caused, get away with that?

They did, because there was such a desperation for peace – on the part of the Allies – after 6 years of carnage.

The coal and steel community grew to six members – but that wasn’t much of an empire.

The next stage was to form a common market for all of Europe. The empire was taking shape.

British politician Harold Macmillan suspected that Germany was trying to dominate western Europe with its common market: ‘ It really is giving them on a plate what we fought two wars to prevent! ’ he said. But no-one stopped the Germans. Instead, they were persuaded to collaborate with them.

After WWII, astronomer, Patrick Moore – famous for his programme The Sky at Night – had a chat with a German general.

It was well known that Patrick hated Germans, ever since one of their bombs killed the love of his life, a young lady aged just 20.

He wound the general up, until he exploded: “Yes, you have won 2 wars! But the next war will be economic – and you will LOSE!!

He was right.

We thrashed the Germans twice. But after the war the people discovered they were ruling us through the EU.

It was the Abba song in reverse. This time The Loser Takes It All.

A Special Appeal to Remainers

I don’t believe for one minute that 16.1 million Brits voted Remain because they prefer Britain to be ruled by the Germans and because they hate Independence. They believed the lies and threats of Project Fear.

Imagine how old people, barely surviving on their inadequate pensions, felt when told by the Chancellor that their pensions might have to be reduced if they voted Leave, and that it could even lead to war.

All of the Project Fear threats were lies. So Remainers now know they were conned and manipulated.

Almost all Brits who voted Remain did so without knowing the full facts. They can read them now on this website, and are in for some shocks and surprises.

The lies caused huge divisions in our society, between friends and even family members, and they still exist, because no-one has given them the full facts.

Those divisions must be healed if we are ever to be one nation again, and if and we are able to gain full Independence, with no strings attached – unlike at present.

The facts are given in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. Some people were right, and some were wrong, but we were all conned by the Political Class and the rest of the Establishment.

They are our our biggest enemy, pulling our strings and laughing while we run around in circles.

Now Remainers who were deceived can have their revenge by joining us.

There is no such thing as “BREXIT”

Contrary to what Boris says, ‘Brexit’ has not been ‘done’. The experts now say: ‘ “Brexit” has a long way to go’. Read about it later on this website.

The Establishment had a dilemma: how to persuade millions of citizens to hate and vote against Freedom and Independence, the two most noble aims of the human race.

So they contacted the arch Remainers such as the notorious Goldman Sachs bank, the EU spin doctors, advertising experts, psychologists, all the best Machiavellian brains on the planet.

They came up with the artificial word “BREXIT”. Say it fast, and it sounds like ‘breaks it’.

‘Full’ Brexit didn’t sound bad enough. So they called that a ‘hard Brexit’. ‘Why hard?’ Well when you say ‘hard Brexit’ you can almost hear the sound of breaking glass. It was obviously something nasty. That’s what the general public were supposed to assume. And they did.

Now leavers were fighting for a ‘Hard Brexit’,rather than full Freedom and Independence.

Most newspapers are part of the Establishment, and they were told never to use the words Freedom and Independence in “Brexit” articles. And it worked. In all the acres of newsprint I read about’Brexit”, I never once read the words Freedom and Independence.

The media were also told to over-use the word Brexit till people were sick of the sound of it, over the years.

Then Boris could come to the rescue and say : ‘Let’s just get Brexit done.’

The media were also told to refrain from saying ‘leaving the EU’. It must always be ‘crashing out’ of the EU, and ‘without a deal’.

The term ‘freedom fighters’ was never to be used either. It was always ‘Brexiteers’.

The words ’stupid’ and ‘misguided’ were always used to describe the people who wanted freedom and independence.

But where did that leave Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi?

Many see Mandela as the greatest man who ever lived, mainly because he fought for and gained freedom and independence for South Africa.

To be consistent, Remainers would have to say Mandela was a “South Afrexiteer” fighting for a meaningless ‘hard South Afrexit.’. And Gandhi was a loopy ‘Indexiteer’ fighting for a ‘hard Indexit’.

Should both men have put money first and accepted bribes from Britain to remain colonies, instead of ‘crashing out’ of the British Empire ‘without a deal’? They were freedom fighters. And so are we.

Every time we use the dishonest artificial words ‘Brexit’ and ‘Brexiteer’, we’re using the terms the crooked Machiavellian Remainer puppet-masters want us to use. Let’s let them know we’re wise to them, and use the correct words,’Freedom /Independence’ and ‘freedom fighter.’

How will your radical policies be paid for, at a time of financial crisis?

1. HS2: Ask the people: Would you rather £108 billion was spent on saving and upgrading the NHS during the  COVID-19 crisis, or on the white elephant HS2 high speed rail rail project, which will knock 20 minutes off the travel time between London and Birmingham?

The Establishment votes for HS2, because the construction costs will make a lot of their people rich. We say: ’Scrap HS2 now!’

An Income tax increase may be needed for the NHS, while we get back on our feet and develop new worldwide markets. Opinion polls say the public will accept this.

2. Stop all Foreign Aid, immediately but temporarily. Save £15 billion a year. It doesn’t sound much, but it’s 15 thousand million pounds. Put your own house in order first.

China has been accused of giving us  COVID-19, and we’ve recently given them – the world’s second richest country – £67.9 million of the people’’s money. Madness, and infuriating.

And they wage cyber warfare against us 24/7, developing the capability of knocking out our energy and communications systems, leaving us defenceless.

3. Leaving the EU saves us £55 million gross a day, on ‘membership’ payments.

4/5. NATO and Trident: We lead the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with out superior weaponry. But now Germany has turned Europe into the German Empire. Germany should defend its empire. It’s no longer our job.

6. Government money: There is no such thing. It’s the people’s money. All of it comes from us. It can be used to finance some of our most important projects, in the form of government grants.

 If we achieve all of our policies, it will amount to a revolution, which will save countless lives and transform the quality of life in Britain.

Our days as the world’s policeman are over. We’ve done our bit. Being more like Switzerland – neutral, safe, and rich – has its appeal.


This is the official website of the people who voted Leave in the 2016 Referendum.

The real deal – RAF Hurricane fighter pilots of 32 Squadron, at rest, awaiting the next call to “scramble” and defend Britain from waves of hundreds of German bombers.

It has a 3-way dedication:
1. To the brave young pilots, some teenagers, who fought to keep Britain free from German rule. At the height of the Battle of Britain, they had a lifespan of 6 – 8 weeks.

Incredibly, 16.1 million Brits voted in favour of German rule by voting Remain. An RAF pilot told me :’The Remainers have spat on the graves of these young men.’

2. This website is also dedicated to the 17.4 million remarkable people who defied the lies and threats from Messrs Cameron and Osborne and co, and their Project Fear, which even said a Leave vote could lead to war. All of their threats have turned out to be lies.

Speaking to our cross-party members all over the country, they seemed to have something in common, almost like altruism. Their reaction to the Project Fear Remainers was: “We don’t believe you. And even if you are telling the truth, we don’t care. Freedom and independence are more important to us than money. We want our country back.”

The Referendum decision confounded political pundits world-wide. No-one ever puts anything before money these days, Our people did. They’re special.

3. Finally this website is jointly dedicated to Ron Fry, a true patriot who persuaded me to support the Independence movement.

The Good News

a) For youngsters: Further education will be free. Fees will be refunded. At present you will be repaying the huge bills incurred by the incompetent government during the Covid-19 crisis. It is not acceptable to lumber you with education debts of £40,000 – £50,000 before you even start earning.

b) For senior citizens:

Those who pay the most into the state pension fund get the least back!

A financial columnist on the Daily Mail called this “madness”. But no-one did anything about it. Senior citizens were powerless.

A man born before 6th April 1957 gets £134.25 a week. But a younger man, born after then, gets £175.20 a week.

So the oldies are short-changed £40.95 per week. There’s no way any Human Rights Court will approve this set-up. It seems illegal.

Also people have a shock when they’re told Britain has the second worst pension in the developed world [South Africa has the worst].

Britain, the world’s 5th richest nation, must have the 5th best pension. This will mean a big increase – backdated.

Pensions supremo Baroness Ros Altmann says the league table has changed – Britain now has the worst state pension in the developed world.

That means the Conservative government cares less about the elderly than any other country in the world.

Boris and his wife Carrie want praise if and when they achieve their ambition of being the first to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions. But will they be regarded with contempt by the rest of the world for treating their senior citizens as though they don’t count.

c) For everyone – Save and upgrade the NHS:

Jeremy Corbyn was right about one thing: the NHS is being run into the ground, ready for sale. We can see the evidence all around us. It is being systematically destroyed from the inside.

And Donald Trump gave the game away during his UK visit to discuss a US-UK trade deal. We expected him to talk about beef, chickens, etc. But he said: “Everything will be on the table – Including the NHS“. So America does want to buy the NHS.

Meanwhile, we need the ratio of patients to doctors, nurses, hospital places, and major equipment like MRI scanners, to match France and Germany, and be fixed in law. They are way ahead of us. But we’ll be guided by what the doctors tell us they want.

We must try to tempt back doctors who took early retirement or emigrated, because of ‘impossible’ working conditions. The doctors say they just about managed, until Angela Merkel brought in her Freedom of Movement scheme, and millions of migrants poured into Britain without any discussion with the people.

A sick person must be able to ring their doctor and get a same-day appointment for a diagnosis and treatment. It’s a basic requirement for any civilised country. But it doesn’t happen in Britain.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of migrants continue to pour in every year.

Our members say all economic immigration must stop immediately but temporarily – just till we can get same-day GP appointments again, with an actual doctor, in the flesh.

Doctors take a long time to train. The only alternative to more doctors is fewer patients.

Remember, we are not politicians. We don’t lie, con and make false promises, because we don’t need votes. We will do what we say. We have no reason not to.

People Power !

Desperate times. But if you voted Leave in the Referendum you’re no longer alone and powerless. This is your official website.

You were a grain of sand, being trodden underfoot. But now 17.4 million grains of sand have joined together, to form an indestructible sand-stone rock.

You are now a member of a power-bloc which will determine the result of future general elections. We will only vote for a party which carries out the people’s wishes.

MPs will comply, or lose their seats. Their main aim in life is to remain in power, and do important favours for the very grateful rich. So they won’t risk losing their seats.