Register as a supporter/member now!

Help to reduce the outrageous 7.2 million world record hospital waiting list.

If the people who voted Leave in the referendum register with this website – their website – nothing can stop us achieving all of our aims.

It is vital that you register without delay. As soon as we have the right number, we will start to implement our policies. Register by clicking on “Become a member” at the very top of page 1.

We have lots more in the pipeline. You’ve told us want you want, in meetings all over the country.

You will have read, at the beginning of this website, about free further education for youngsters, much bigger pensions for senior citizens, and saving and reforming the NHS.

Our other main aims:

Full independence from the EU, with no strings attached.
Restore democracy/people power
Alleviate suffering :prevent the 7.2  million hospital waiting list increasing to
12 million, as predicted, and instead focus on reducing it to zero, as some other developed countries.

The astronomical waiting list is the result of government incompetence and criminal negligence. Now the government hopes to deal with the waiting list within three years. But that is too long: the pain and suffering and deaths are unthinkable.


The white elephant HS2 high-speed rail project must be cancelled immediately, and the £108 billion cost diverted to the NHS, also covering the cost of attracting doctors world-wide to help deal with Britain’s waiting-list crisis. This is more important than saving 20 minutes or so rail travel time between London and Birmingham with HS2.

Thousands of retired British doctors have also offered to help, but there are reports that they have been ignored. We’re looking into that. Net Zero carbon seems to be more important for the government. We haven’t got enough hospital space at present. But our amazing Army have proved they can build a Nightingale hospital in a week.

There’s no need for all this human suffering and aggro. The politicians haven’t got the answers. But the people have.

We have self-financed up till now because in these hard times, we were determined not to mention subscriptions until we had produced solutions. And we have done that very fast:

  1. Ourheat pump campaign is an incredible achievement.
    There would have been millions of bankruptcies if every home was forced to have a hopeless heat pump costing £10,000-plus, and then another type of heating, in order to keep warm.
    The £5,000 government grant would just cover the cost of very extensive necessary insulation.
  2. A total solution to the social care problem which has beaten successive governments for countless years,
  3. Providing a means of solving the NHS’s problems – of not enough hospitals, Drs, nurses, or equipment – by cancelling HS2 and diverting the £108-plus cost to the NHS.

So we feel justified in asking for a members’/supporters’ registration fee, of just £3 – the price of a good cup of coffee – to help with our running costs. It also works out at less than 1p a day, spread over a year. So it shouldn’t break anyone’s bank.

Meanwhile we hope our policies will impress and attract a patriotic financial backer. And there are so many more policies on our list.

Another (unusual) campaign is already under way – Save the Songbird. Migrating birds are being ambushed and massacred in places like Malta – en route to Britain, and again back to Africa – and cooked and eaten.

For many, the best way to recover from the stresses of life is to sit in the garden in the sunshine and listen to the birdsong.

But songbirds like thrushes are getting rare. I only heard wood pigeons in my garden last summer. To many predators – including man.

We’re not just about politics. We’re about the quality of life.

We’ve applied to the Charity Commission, and will soon be registered with them.


The extent to which the British people are being conned, manipulated, exploited and neglected, is mind-boggling. I never realised how low this country had sunk.

We really do need to take note of our motto:


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