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The Good News

a) For youngsters: Further education will be free. Fees will be refunded. At present you will be repaying the huge bills incurred by the incompetent government during the Covid-19 crisis. It is not acceptable to lumber you with education debts of £40,000 – £50,000 before you even start earning.

b) For senior citizens:

Those who pay the most into the state pension fund get the least back!

A financial columnist on the Daily Mail called this “madness”. But no-one did anything about it. Senior citizens were powerless.

A man born before 6th April 1957 gets £134.25 a week. But a younger man, born after then, gets £175.20 a week.

So the oldies are short-changed £40.95 per week. There’s no way any Human Rights Court will approve this set-up. It seems illegal.

Also people have a shock when they’re told Britain has the second worst pension in the developed world [South Africa has the worst].

Britain, the world’s 5th richest nation, must have the 5th best pension. This will mean a big increase – backdated.

Pensions supremo Baroness Ros Altmann says the league table has changed – Britain now has the worst state pension in the developed world.

That means the Conservative government cares less about the elderly than any other country in the world.

Boris and his wife Carrie want praise if and when they achieve their ambition of being the first to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions. But will they be regarded with contempt by the rest of the world for treating their senior citizens as though they don’t count.

c) For everyone – Save and upgrade the NHS:

Jeremy Corbyn was right about one thing: the NHS is being run into the ground, ready for sale. We can see the evidence all around us. It is being systematically destroyed from the inside.

And Donald Trump gave the game away during his UK visit to discuss a US-UK trade deal. We expected him to talk about beef, chickens, etc. But he said: “Everything will be on the table – Including the NHS“. So America does want to buy the NHS.

Meanwhile, we need the ratio of patients to doctors, nurses, hospital places, and major equipment like MRI scanners, to match France and Germany, and be fixed in law. They are way ahead of us. But we’ll be guided by what the doctors tell us they want.

We must try to tempt back doctors who took early retirement or emigrated, because of ‘impossible’ working conditions. The doctors say they just about managed, until Angela Merkel brought in her Freedom of Movement scheme, and millions of migrants poured into Britain without any discussion with the people.

A sick person must be able to ring their doctor and get a same-day appointment for a diagnosis and treatment. It’s a basic requirement for any civilised country. But it doesn’t happen in Britain.

Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of migrants continue to pour in every year.

Our members say all economic immigration must stop immediately but temporarily – just till we can get same-day GP appointments again, with an actual doctor, in the flesh.

Doctors take a long time to train. The only alternative to more doctors is fewer patients.

Remember, we are not politicians. We don’t lie, con and make false promises, because we don’t need votes. We will do what we say. We have no reason not to.

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