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There is no such thing as “BREXIT”

Contrary to what Boris says, ‘Brexit’ has not been ‘done’. The experts now say: ‘ “Brexit” has a long way to go’. Read about it later on this website.

The Establishment had a dilemma: how to persuade millions of citizens to hate and vote against Freedom and Independence, the two most noble aims of the human race.

So they contacted the arch Remainers such as the notorious Goldman Sachs bank, the EU spin doctors, advertising experts, psychologists, all the best Machiavellian brains on the planet.

They came up with the artificial word “BREXIT”. Say it fast, and it sounds like ‘breaks it’.

‘Full’ Brexit didn’t sound bad enough. So they called that a ‘hard Brexit’. ‘Why hard?’ Well when you say ‘hard Brexit’ you can almost hear the sound of breaking glass. It was obviously something nasty. That’s what the general public were supposed to assume. And they did.

Now leavers were fighting for a ‘Hard Brexit’,rather than full Freedom and Independence.

Most newspapers are part of the Establishment, and they were told never to use the words Freedom and Independence in “Brexit” articles. And it worked. In all the acres of newsprint I read about’Brexit”, I never once read the words Freedom and Independence.

The media were also told to over-use the word Brexit till people were sick of the sound of it, over the years.

Then Boris could come to the rescue and say : ‘Let’s just get Brexit done.’

The media were also told to refrain from saying ‘leaving the EU’. It must always be ‘crashing out’ of the EU, and ‘without a deal’.

The term ‘freedom fighters’ was never to be used either. It was always ‘Brexiteers’.

The words ’stupid’ and ‘misguided’ were always used to describe the people who wanted freedom and independence.

But where did that leave Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi?

Many see Mandela as the greatest man who ever lived, mainly because he fought for and gained freedom and independence for South Africa.

To be consistent, Remainers would have to say Mandela was a “South Afrexiteer” fighting for a meaningless ‘hard South Afrexit.’. And Gandhi was a loopy ‘Indexiteer’ fighting for a ‘hard Indexit’.

Should both men have put money first and accepted bribes from Britain to remain colonies, instead of ‘crashing out’ of the British Empire ‘without a deal’? They were freedom fighters. And so are we.

Every time we use the dishonest artificial words ‘Brexit’ and ‘Brexiteer’, we’re using the terms the crooked Machiavellian Remainer puppet-masters want us to use. Let’s let them know we’re wise to them, and use the correct words,’Freedom /Independence’ and ‘freedom fighter.’

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